New Chapter

Created by Peggy 12 years ago
Our Princess, is in Heaven now, she is truely an Angel walking with God . As painful as it is to lose her, she can talk ,walk and has no pain. She never complained about anything.But she had a temper, if you werent giving her your attention she would let you know about it,a hand would accidently come upside your head, when u least expected it ! She loved her family so much, she would look at the phone and I knew what she wanted," to call Karen" . All she ever wanted, was your attention, someone to talk to her,hold her hand, tell her stories. Everything made her laugh,that `laugh` was the most wonderful sound in the world,to watch her laugh there was nothing like it on earth. I could look in her eyes and know what she was thinking, she could do the same with me,many times at that very moment we both would burst out laughing.. I love you My Angel,My Princess. Until we meet again, I will Always hold you in my Heart.......Peggy
